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Tag: sci-fi

December 9, 2010 Posted by Scott in News

Horror genre starts to take notice

On the heels of Indie InterTube's thumbs up in the web series world and Sci-Fi Pulse taking notice in the Sci-Fi community, Haywire is getting its first acknowledgments from the world of horror. called Haywire "a wonderfully done grue... Read more [...]
December 6, 2010 Posted by Scott in News

Winter wonderland - Episode 5 rolls

It was cold. Let me throw that out there first. December 4th and 5th were the shooting days for Haywire Episode #5: Duct Tape & Demons in Montgomery, New York at the home studio of co-producer and gracious host John Lenihan. The resilient cast of ... Read more [...]

Haywire receives shout out from Indie Intertube

On its November 3rd show, Indie Intertube gave high praise to the launch of Haywire. Hosted by Destini & Shanhavar, Indie Intertube is a website dedicated to "what's hot and streaming on the web" featuring blogs, podcasts, reviews and more, all de... Read more [...]
October 24, 2010 Posted by Scott in News

4 down and ready for takeoff

Yesterday the Haywire team gathered for the third and final shoot day of Episode 3: Return To Sender. It's a bit strange to finish in late October what you began in late August with an entire other episode shot in between, but when you have good f... Read more [...]

Premiere episode comes to life

The episode entitled The Gardener at long last went in front of the lens this past weekend on location in Monroe, NY. I say "at long last" because while The Gardener will be the first Haywire installment sequentially, it is not the first chronolog... Read more [...]

Artists join the fray; Haywire intro in the works

Pretty much since the inception, it has been the plan to begin every episode of Haywire with a standard intro that serves as an orienting summary of how the Haywire world began. With 4 to 10 minute episodes, there is precious little time for "What... Read more [...]

Delivery day

Shooting continued Saturday on Haywire's Return To Sender, slated to run as episode #3. We were blessed with a day very similar to the one on which we shot the other exteriors for the episode, so let me start with thanks to the continuity gods. Ad... Read more [...]

Podcast: Haywire Qraig DeGroot Q&A

From time to time after a shoot, when we're all not so exhausted that we can't speak, we will endeavor to grab a moment with cast or crew to talk a bit about Haywire. More often than not, they will be informal and off-the-cuff segments to get a fr... Read more [...]
August 30, 2010 Posted by Scott in News

Taking it to the streets

Saturday, August 28, around 10:30pm. A shot of two hands. Nothing fancy or complex. We didn’t even really have to roll sound. That’s how what was likely the longest shoot day in LightsOut lore ended. Peacefully. How misleading. The players in that... Read more [...]
August 24, 2010 Posted by Scott in News

New faces, roles, and possibilities

Cameras role on another episode of Haywire this Saturday, and it figures to be a familiar, yet new experience. The shot list, lined script and boards are all done, the early morning ritual will remain the same, and the LightsOut core will rally to... Read more [...]