4 down and ready for takeoff

Yesterday the Haywire team gathered for the third and final shoot day of Episode 3: Return To Sender. It's a bit strange to finish in late October what you began in late August with an entire other episode shot in between, but when you have good folks in front and behind the lens, you just eat a bagel and jump back in.

It was a pleasure to work again with actors Larissa Laurel and Misti Garritano to develop their characters and orchestrate a soon to be classic Haywire moment with Steve Hoveke that I almost wish I could post right now. Almost. It'll be worth it, I promise.


Misti as LEAH with Steve as DAN the delivery guy lurking in the shadows.

A special thanks to make-up fx artists Jolene Johnson and Johathan Poppe, two fine folks that lent their talented hands in bringing Haywire to life. Welcome to the party.

One of the greatest challenges has been working through the action sequences that Haywire scripts have called for. Punches, stomps, baseball bat beat downs, flat-out bull rushes, and... well... you'll see when Episode 3 goes live.


Larissa as GRACIE.

But before we unveil the fun that is Return To Sender, we have a series launch just a week away. Just a few more tweaks to the comic-art sequence beginning and we're ready to kick off the fun with The Gardener, our premiere episode, on Halloween.


A panel from the Haywire intro. Pencils by Victor L. Castro Jr., inks by Steven Hoveke.

So its 4 episodes fully shot and full steam ahead. Be sure to log onto www.haywireseries.com and watch the beginning of what we'll be bringing to you on the 1st of every month going forward. H-DAY is coming.

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