Starting strong

Saturday was shoot day for what will be the opening sequence of Haywire's Season 2, and it was far from ordinary for Team Lights Out. Tech ambitious is a good way to put a shoot that required every light we own (and a few borrowed), multi-stage blocking, and a camera/sound rig we had never quite utilized before. We had our DP doing audio, multiple directors, a reporter doing interviews… it was quite the day.

Thalia Tsakos, Jillan Sharp & Rachel Sharp

A warm welcome as well to new members of the Haywire pantheon, Jillian Sharp, Rachel Sharp, Erin deWard and Thalia Tsakos. Jillian and Rachel are the daughters of Ken Sharp (who plays Dr. Rodney Eingurt), and Erin and Thalia are the wife and daughter of Yani Tsakos (the haywired hunter Oscar). When we say its a Haywire "family", we're not kidding!


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